«I sow you» Installation for the II Professional Week of Art in Oviedo

Make a vow to nature as the first and last deity, as an entity, and as an absolute necessity for human existence. Man should consider nature as the only sacred place. Go barefoot as a sign of humility. Plant to honor her. No matter what happens, the living will be there, with or without us. As long as water and earth are capable of giving life.

The man must find the right place.

“I sow you” installation for the II Professional Art Week of Oviedo

“I sow you” installation for the II Professional Art Week of Oviedo

A rain. To sow; red to indicate the fragility of water, gold to indicate its value. A bed; to say the care that must be given to the living. Living thing. We kneel next to a sick person's bed. We pray for your healing. The healing. Under the bed, acorns and bullets. Up close you might think they are women's to believe they are pieces of women. Stranded bodies. These are seeds. What do we do with the living, do we take care of it or destroy it?

“I sow you” installation for the II Professional Art Week of Oviedo

Antique bed, topsoil, high-fired porcelain, raw porcelain and red thread. Installation for the II Professional Art Week of Oviedo. 2022

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